Taken from last night's teabag tag, this morning's "drip" lands here...
When you're gifted in something, there's a light that shines brightly. You may not see it, and others may not notice it. Sadly, some folk will refuse to see it, but rest assured, it's there! Pay attention to your passions---what makes your heart feel good; what gives you a sense of value; what is done purely in love; what makes you smile when you speak of it; what connects you to the "good" of self; what drives you to bless others. Pray that it leads you to step into and accept (for my friend 😘) your gift--the thing(s) that God uniquely created you to do. Once you're there, let no "weap'person" dim your light or dull your shine. Prepare prayerfully, and in the safety and peace of God's will. Something special is beautifully brewing! Trust Him for it!
"The Drip" of Coffee Thoughts ☕️
Peace & Blessings,
Lisa C-S