Some men do it so beautifully! They (seemingly) love their wife "right"---based on a Godly directive, that is. While there are certainly times when the Biblical words appear to be unknown, forgotten, ignored, or maybe even not believed, this scripture profoundly and boldly speaks to how men should love their wives...
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,
~Ephesians 5:25-26
Those Holy words "dripped" into this TCV mind space, as the morning devotional scripture was a powerful reminder for me. Here's how it landed...
Loving your God-given wife right
Keeps the marriage rooted in faith and "tight"
For the requirement for how husbands should love
Was instructed by The One, always guiding from above
Failure to heed or adhere to the call
Can be a catalyst for a good marriage's nasty fall
So, be sincere about doing it God's way
Trust Him and pray to keep the enemy at bay
For a happy wife lends to a happy life, I've heard
To "love your wives, just as Christ loved the church..." is not mine, but God's word
Husbands, a secure marriage is always in plain sight
If you learn to love, or continue loving your wife right
If you both start strong and work toward stronger
Maybe the marriage will last forever, or at least much longer
So, put Satan on notice today
Commit to love her wholly, Holy---God's way!
Well, we know that no one does everything perfectly by the "letter"
But, we also know that once we know best, we should do better
And to us wives, we certainly have work to do
It's time for some of us to love our husbands more Godly, too 😊
"The Drip" of Coffee Thoughts ☕️
Peace & Blessings,
Lisa C-S