Yep…Thanksgiving Thursday, still in the midst of a treacherous pandemic. Yep…It’s still THANKSgiving!!!! It’s still the same calendar Thursday in the month of November. It’s still a designated day of reflecting and being grateful for the many blessings that are present, not only today, but inclusively, EVERY day that we have life on this earth.
So, as we move throughout this day, whether physically present with family, virtually or by phone, or maybe even solo, let’s not focus on what’s so different, but be grateful for ‘what is’–The Now. Our ‘what is’ may look different, some more different than others, but Glory be to God, that He is always the same–His character, His Will and His covenant promises. For that, we give thanks, honor and praises to Him. No matter what’s ‘cooking’ in this world, He serves up a daily blessing of being unchanged.
I’m thinking of an old hymn that goes a little something like this….”Build your hopes on things eternal. Hold to God’s unchanging hands.” Hold on, and give thanks! Thank you for your support of The Cherry Vine!
Peace & Blessings, Lisa B