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Final Destination ~ Position of Purposed Perfect Peace

Voice of the Vine

Updated: Jun 9, 2021

“Good” people, even great people, and those who are the very best at their craft can suffer from addictions. It doesn’t matter what path they took or the winding roads that they chose to travel on, they, too, are children of God.  These folk, no doubt, can have an extremely intimate relationship with Him, as they struggle to fully recover from the wiles of substance abuse and addictions.  Their life is important too!  The have available faith space in this world, as we do.  Like DMX and many others, hopefully, these troubled spirits were able to share their gift(s), doing what God purposed them to do. 

Addictions are a beast! Let me say that again…. Addictions are a beast!  We need to pray for those struggling, especially those who have lived in the struggle most of their lives, much like DMX .  Be careful when hopping on the lower level Judgement Train.  While this is not the acronym for his name, don’t be derailed by DMXDon’t Misread the X-Ray of His Life, however, Do Marvel at the X-ray of His Soul.  He is the DMX that the world got to analyze, however, ours could be knocking at the door or camped out in our hearts, as we pray day-after-day, night-after-night for change.

Rest in the warmth of your authentic heart, the power of your rhythmic words and the sweetness of purposed peace, Earl “DMX” Simmons.  The struggle was so real. Sadly, you had to live it out for the world to see. Your life was important to so many.  So, rest in knowing that your fans or even those who simply knew your story have been routing for your success– in music and in your recovery for years. In the words of Dear God by Smokie Norful, I hear your heart…

For my life, Lord, I thank You For every victory in You I’ve seen And all the moments I know it was You who kept me So I thank You for, for my life

And I watched you take my family from there to here And when times where a lil’ rough, God, I know You were near And the moments I thought I’d fail, I was reminded of your nails So I held on…

Let’s pray for those who live a life of darkness, pain and loss due to the trauma that any addiction brings—to them, their families, and all who are connected to them in love. It may not be your story today, but it could very well be a facet of your story tomorrow…

Peace & Blessings, Lisa B 

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